Sunday, March 20, 2011

Created for Great Things

"Created For Greater Things," by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Deseret Book, 156 pages, $15.99
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve isn't one to mince words. His talks in general conference include his powerful and bold testimony of the gospel and of the Savior.
More than 70 quotes from talks and devotionals presented by Elder Holland during the last 28 years have been compiled into "Created For Greater Things" and published by Deseret Book. Each quote in the 6-inch-by-6-inch book is paired with artwork, including work and photos from Mark Mabry, Simon Dewey, Scott Sumner, Scott Snow and Val Brinkerhoff among others.
Elder Holland served as the president of Brigham Young University from 1980 until he was called to the First Quorum of the Seventy in 1989. He was ordained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve in 1994.
The title comes from this quote: "I believe we all have been created for greater things than we can comprehend. The times call for great things, but great things in the noblest and redemptive sense are predicated upon tolerance, love, respect, understanding, dignity, prayer, God," Elder Holland said.
The quotes and thoughts from Elder Holland offer encouragement and inspiration.
"Be a woman of Christ. Cherish your esteemed place in the sight of God," Elder Holland said. "He needs you. This church needs you. The world needs you. A woman's abiding trust in God and unfailing devotion to things of the Spirit have always been an anchor when the wind and the wave of life were fiercest."
And they offer a little humor, too.
"Yes, life has its problems, and yes, there are negative things to face, but please accept one of Elder Holland's maxims for living — no misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

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