Friday, July 15, 2011

Life Muse

Rozanne Paxman
Rozanne Paxman

Today is the BEST Day

Sunset Photo by Ro

"Every night I turn my worries over to God. He's going to be up all night anyway." - Anonymous

Sad Girl Photo by Ro

"To mourn a mischief that is past and gone
Is the best way to bring a fresh mischief on." – William Shakespeare

Sandy Best Day Photo by Ro

"One of the illusions is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." – Emerson

Pear Photo by Ro

You may sing loud the praises of God unto man,
But a truth here, my friend, I announce:
It's not all in the singing or preaching the word,
It's the life you are living that counts.

You may give very freely of silver or gold,
And frequently utter long prayers;
But a man shall be known by the everyday walk,
And be judged by the fruit that he bears.

- Anonymous

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