Saturday, January 8, 2011

Word of the Year - Trade-in for New Year's Resolutions

A Free Gift to Uplevel Your 2011

Written by Christine Kane
The success stories you’ve been reading over the past few weeks are REAL.  They are also effortless, challenging, fun, authentic, exciting, expansive and rewarding.  (There’s more to come, too!)
And the ONLY thing each of these people had in common is this:
The each gave themselves a gift.
They each honored themselves enough to take the time before the new year began – and ask themselves some deep questions about what they truly wanted in the coming year.
In other words, they stopped “hoping” and started “creating.”  Most of them used the Word of the Year Discovery Tool to get clear, be real, and stay aware.  That’s why I created it.  Because you absolutely have the power to make 2011 rock.
Download the Word of the Year Discovery Tool now. Then, sit down with your journal, a legal pad, your moleskin, whatever. Grab a pen. Light a candle. And bless yourself with your own attention and focus.  And let me coach you into your wisest, most authentic self so you can hear your own true answers so you can start creating your own true success…
It’s almost 2011. Let’s do this now.
Click here to download your free Word of the Year Discovery Tool.

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